Smoke from municipal solid waste incinerator can destroy atmospheric quality

date:2019-07-26 16:32:56   views:964


Municipal solid waste incineration has become a common problem in society. In the process of incineration, a large number of incineration flue gases will be generated. What kind of waste gas treatment equipment should be used becomes our concern. The components of these flue gases are more complex, mainly smoke, acid gases, heavy metals and dioxins.

Incinerator flue gas treatment is generally divided into dust removal, heavy metals and dioxins removal, Acid Pollutants removal, in these removal methods are subdivided into many small categories, the most important is the combination process of waste gas treatment equipment, combined process can make the combustion flue gas purification standard, but the process is more complex, and accompanied by. There is a problem of sewage treatment.


The removal process of incinerator dust, heavy metals and dioxins is introduced. Removal of smoke and dust (mainly by dust remover); removal of heavy Xin and dioxins (mainly activated carbon injection + bag filter); removal of Acid Pollutants (mainly by wet and mechanical rotary spray semi dry process); dry process (dry deacidification process) is a direct injection of alkaline deacidification in the flue. Simple process or NSK process; wet process (wet deacidification is the use of alkaline adsorbents in the scrubber HC1 and SO2 acid gas); semi-dry process (mainly using rotary atomizer semi-dry method, fixed nozzle semi-dry method and circulating fluidized bed semi-dry method); combined process (mainly referring to semi-dry method + dry flue gas deacidification combined process); Other removal processes (due to the advantages and disadvantages of acid gas removal processes, in determining the flue gas deacidification

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